Reiki Healing Sessions

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing Sessions

Reiki is a universal life force energy which is gentle, calming and healing. 

Who can receive reiki healing:

  • If you feel depleted on energy
  • If you feel blocked in life
  • If you are going through a lot of stress
  • If you are dealing with physical aches & pains
  • If you simply want to treat yourself to something gentle yet powerful
  • If you would like to clear negative thoughts and feel more positive
  • If you have unbalanced chakras
  • To bring balance in any aspect of life
  • To strengthen relationships
  • To clear unwanted, painful aspects of life through cord cutting
  • Reiki can move to any aspect of past, present or future aspects of ones life to heal deeply
  • Reiki can only do good and its application can’t be summed but you can work with reiki for pretty much anything 

To book you free 30 minutes consultation with a reiki healer please get in touch with us.

Healer Available for Reiki Healing Sessions Session

Hypnosis Reiki, Mindful Meditation
Jalila – Reiki Teacher & Wellness Coach
Jalila Amira Mood
Reiki Teacher, Wellness Coach
Shazia – Spiritual Guide & Wellness Coach
Spiritual Guide & Soul Coach
Nazish – Soul Coach
Soul Coaching
Nur Tahabsem – Energy Healer
Nur Tahabsem
Energy Healer

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