Certified Lama Fera Healer

Lama Fera

Certified Lama Fera Healer

At Shukran Infinite, we offer our courses and workshops as retreats in spiritually activated destinations worldwide. Our reiki classes cover all levels, including master teacher level, providing you with the opportunity to learn self-healing, work with clients, and even create your own classes.

LAMA-FERA, an ancient method of healing, was once shrouded in secrecy and exclusively practiced by Buddhist monks. However, these monks were eventually inspired to share their knowledge with the world as a means to expedite the healing of our planet. The term “Lama” refers to a follower of truth, while “fera” signifies circling. During a healing session, the practitioner will perform two and a half circles around the client, facilitating a profound cleansing process. Within the teachings of Lama Fera, there are 12 sacred symbols that are imparted to students during their training. These symbols hold immense power and serve as essential tools in the practice of this ancient healing modality.

The practice of Lama Fera is divided into two levels: Master Healer Level and Master Teacher Level. 

 Master Healer Level:

  • Students are introduced to the history and background of Lama Fera, gaining an understanding of its origins and significance.
  • The study of chakras is an integral part of the Master Healer Level, where students learn about the energy centers in the body and their role in healing. 
  • Students are also taught about the healing kit used in Lama Fera, including its components and how to effectively utilize it for healing purposes.
  • The Master Healer Level equips students with the knowledge and techniques to perform healing not only on themselves but also on others. 
  • One of the key aspects of Lama Fera at the Master Healer Level is the exploration of six powerful symbols and their practical application in healing practices. 
  • Soul meditation is an essential component of the Master Healer Level, allowing students to connect with their inner selves and harness their spiritual energy for healing.
  •  The healing of the Earth is emphasized in the Master Healer Level, teaching students how to channel healing energy towards the planet and contribute to its well-being. 

 Master Teacher Level:

  •  Students are introduced to an additional set of six powerful symbols and their specific uses in Lama Fera healing. 
  • The Master Teacher Level also includes the attunement process, where students are attuned to the energy of Lama Fera, enhancing their healing abilities and spiritual connection.

In addition to the comprehensive training, each course includes a manual, a small crystal kit, and access to a supportive Whatsapp group. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate from Shukran Infinite, which is accredited by IPHM.

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